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Caramba's Revenge


William Norfolk

Directed by Charlie Cook

1st - 8th May, 2010

A black comedy about four retired ladies who have formed a co-operative, sharing their lives in Violet's rented house, pooling their pensions and sharing the chores. That is until Violet dies after a mugging. Needing to hold on to her pension book and rent book Marge, Lottie and Doris omit to tell the authorities and leave Violet's body peacefully in a cemetery.

Life goes on happily until the arrival of Violet's granddaughter, Ronnie, from Australia, the police in the person of Inspector Grubb, and another housemate, Rose (complete with a parrot)...

Lottie Adele Taylor
Doris June Janes
Marge Sue Jones
Ronnie Ruth Phelan
Augustus David Reynolds
Rose Diana Boswell
Grace Mary Cotton
Stage Manager Christina Theobald
Wardrobe Olive Bradbury
Linda Batson
Properties Helen Bingle
Jane Newman
Sound Helen Fitton
Peter Gerzon
Lighting design and operation Chris Hills
Keith Jones
Prompt Liz Cook
ASM Colette Fitton
Set Construction Christina Theobald
and a team of burly, fit men!
House Managers Trevor Jones
Ian McBride
Original Music by Ian Parker and Charlie Cook
Cover art by Jim Boswell
Sponsored by:
Motrax Motor Accessories, 86 Chapel Lane, Wilmslow
Acknowledgements to Bill-Not-Weed for transportation
Thanks to the Box Office team, publicity people, coffee makers, bar volunteers and decision-makers and all who have contributed to this production in any way.