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Death and the Maiden


Ariel Dorfman

23rd - 30th April 2005
Director: Mary Pritchard

Ariel Dorfman's play, set in a newly established democracy, is a three way encounter involving Paulina, her husband Gerardo who is heading a commission to investigate human rights violations by their country's former government, and Dr Miranda, a stranger who gives Gerardo a lift home after his car breaks down.

As soon as she hears his voice, Paulina is convinced that Miranda is the man who tortured her 15 years ago when she was a political prisoner. Her efforts to secure a confession from him, using the methods once employed on her, result in a taut drama which gives rise to uncomfortable questions, ambiguities and uncertainties, and raises issues that continue to be relevant in a world where torture and violation still harm the innocent and cause long-term effects on aggressor and victim alike.

Paulina Escobar Tracy Burns
Gerardo Escobar Steve Williamson
Roberto Miranda Martin Pritchard
Stage Manager Jill Hine
Continuity Adele Taylor
Lighting Robin Watkinson
Bruce Williams
Sound Mark Seyler
Properties Diana Boswell
Colette Fitton
Set Design Simon Webber
Front of House Peter de la Wyche
Ronnie Dykstra
Graphic Design MacDrive
Many thanks to
Wilmslow Talking Pictures
for the loan of the cassette player