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Dick Whittington


Mike Rand

Directed by Peter Janes

2nd - 9th December, 2006

Classic pantomine about Dick Whittington, future Mayor of London.

Fairy Nuff (no she isnt) Christina Theobald
King Rat (a potent rodent) Tom Thistleton
Idle Jack Matthew Thistleton
Millie La Mane Alexandria Faure
Jointrekin Jessie
(they threw her away and then made the mould)
Brian Stoner
Alice Fitzwarren Laura Short
Marvel the Cat (a mighty moggie) Daphne Martyn
Dick Whittington (a likely lad!) Marion Norbury
Fairy Thump Colette Fitton
Alderman Fitzwarren Peter de la Wyche
Captain the Hon. Freddie (Oops Pardon) Chuffer Charlie Cook
Bos'un Arrows (a right quiver full) Ronnie Dykstra
Big Chief Rumbal Tumi
(I'm sure I've seen him somewhere)
Peter de la Wyche
Dancers, Citizens, Fairies, Sailors, Pirates, Braves and Squaws
Sarah Caroll, Sandy Clark, Aidan Flatt, Kate Fletcher, Anwen Jones, Olivia Jones
Choreography Alexandra Howarth
Musical Direction Christina Theobald
Reg Sykes
Pianists Reg Sykes
Eric Smith
Stage Manager Steve Williamson
ASMs Jill Hine
Simon Janes
Prompt Adele Taylor
Sound Helen Fitton
Lighting Martin Theobald
Props Jan Atkinson
Michelle Auty
Vi Pope
Adele Singer
Wardrobe The Green Room Wardrobe Team
Set Design David Melliar-Smith
Set Construction David Melliar-Smith
Mike Rhodes
Simon Webber
Production Secretary June Janes
House Managers Celia Bonner
Al Fowkes
Victor Hassan