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The Father


Johan August Strindberg

Directed by Mike Bullimore

26th April - 3rd May, 2008

`The Father' portrays the tragedy of a man and a woman struggling for the possession of their child. A retired military captain with an interest in science he's tormented, emasculated and ultimately driven insane by his wife's manipulative attempts to control their daughter's destiny, sabotage his scientific career, and have him locked away in an asylum. The play was originally produced in 1887 and deemed shocking.

(A young soldier, batman to Adolf)
Mike Farrell
(A Captain in the cavalry and a scientist)
Bryn Thomas
The Pastor
(Adlof's brother-in-law)
Peter de la Wyche
(A junior cavalry officer)
Mike Palmer
(Adolf's wife)
Alexis Bull
Doctor Oestermark
(An army Docotr and widower)
Geoffrey Martin
(Nurse to Adolf and then to Bertha)
Linda Batson
(daughter to Adolf and Bertah)
Elise Johnson
Stage Managers Jill Stringer
Colette Fitton
Wardrobe Di James
Amanda Stevens
Properties Diana Boswell
Fenella Fowkes
Sound Jan Atkinson
Lighting Chris Hills
Keith Jones
Continuity Adele Taylor
Stage Construction Steve Williamson
House Manager Rachel Leslie
Paul Lewis