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Funny Money


Ray Cooney

Directed by Vi Pope

26th January - 2nd February, 2008

Henry Perkins, mild mannered accountant husband, accidentally picks up the wrong briefcase to find out that there's rather a lot of money inside. As he and his wife, Jean, fret over what to do with the 'funny money', they are forced into a game of cat and mouse when they are joined by some friends for dinner, plus two police officers, an irate taxi driver, and Mr Big, the man who has come to claim his money back.

Jean Perkins Colette Fitton
Henry Perkins Charlie Cook
Bill Martin Pritchard
Davenport Victor Hassan
Slater Caroline Lucas
Betty Johnson Adele Singer
Vic Johnson Steve Williamson
Passer-By Peter Janes
Stage Manager Val Watkinson
Liz Cook
Wardrobe Linda Batson
Fenella Fowkes
Properties Jill Damen
Anne Cichocki
Sound Helen Fitton
Jan Atkinson
Lighting Chris Hills
Keith Jones
John Lawson
Prompt Sue Jones