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Dumb Waiter


Harold Pinter

Directed by Mary Pritchard

27th January - 4th February 2012

Two hit-men Ben and Gus are waiting in a basement room for their assignment. Ben is the senior member of the team. Gus is the junior member. Gus asks many questions of Ben as he gets ready for their job and tries to make tea, including questions about their job (Gus seems to be questioning the concept of being a hit-man). They argue over the semantics of "light the kettle" and "put on the kettle". In the back of the room is a dumbwaiter, which delivers occasional food orders. This is mysterious and both characters seem to be puzzled as to why these orders keep coming. At one point they send up some snack food that Gus had brought along. As these orders come in, the tension builds to the point where they even come to blows. Ben has to explain to the people above via the dumbwaiter's "speaking tube" that there is no food. This whole sequence is rather odd because the basement is clearly not outfitted for fulfilment of the orders.

Ben Steve Williamson
Gus Nick Brown
Stage Manager Christina Theobald
ASM Helen Bingle
Wardrobe Pat Barrow
Jacque Bilsborough
Properties Helen Bingle
Sound Peter Gerzon
Lighting Chris Hills
Bruce Williams
Prompt Adele Taylor
Set Design Graham Boswell
Set Build GR Team
Rehearsal Photographs Chris Hills
Liaison Richard Barraclough
House Managers Al Fowkes
Bob Stewart