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Habeas Corpus


Alan Bennett

Directed by David Quaife

15 - 23 January 1999
In this satirical merry-go-round we meet the Wicksteed family and its friends and aquaintances, for whom the determination to put sex and the satisfactions of the body (or corpus) before everything else is the ruling passion of their lives. The permissive society is taken to task in a farcical comedy in which the characters, sterotypes as their names suggest, move - and indeed dance - in and out through a maze of mistaken identities and sexual encounters. As Wicksteed says, at the close, "he whose lust lasts, lasts longest." 
Dr. Wicksteed Steve Williamson
Muriel Wicksteed Colette Fitton
Mrs. Swab Olive Bradbury
Connie Wicksteed Caroline Schofield
Felicity Rumpers Marion Norbury
Lady Rumbers Adele Taylor
Mr. Purdue Paul Lewis
Canon Throbbing Dave Midgley
Mr. Shanks Charlie Cook
Dennis Wicksteed Bill Nolan
Sir Percy Shorter Martin McGee
Assistant Director Linda Batson
Stage Manager Ronnie Dykstra
ASM Linda Batson
Prompt Mavis Carlisle
Lighting Geoff Scullard
Al Fowkes
Sound Celia Bonner
Wardrobe Diana Boswell
Properties Jill Damen
Set Construction Ronnie Dykstra
Trevor Jones
Jim Bond
David Melliar-Smith