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Romeo and Juliet


William Shakespeare

Directed by Dily Mason

June 1989

The greatest love story ever told returns to the lawns of Gawsworth.

Chorus Clair McGlashan
Sampson John Smith
Gregory Al Fowkes
Tybalt Steve Williamson
Lady Capulet Diana Boswell
Capulet Norman Whitelam
Nurse Sonia Dykstra
Juliet Clair Louise Boyle
Peter John Smith
Abraham Leslie Sayers
Benvolio Chris Hughes
Montague Eric Smith
Lady Montague Olive Bradbury
Romeo Andrew Long
Mercutio Pat Barrett
Cousin Capulet John Coupe
Balthasar Mark Jephcott
Apothecary John Coupe
Escalus, Prince of Verona Julian Rawel
Paris Paul Corcoran
Pages Richard Adams
Simon Gray
Friar Lawrence John Chidgey
Friar John Geoffrey Martyn
Members of the Watch Al Fowkes
John Smith

Servants, Soldiers and Citizens

Jilly Burrows, Derran Castellani, Val Fentem, Sheena Rawel, Kathryn Ryan, Fiona Redclift, Ken Sawyer, Alison Sturt, Adele Taylor, Clive Williams


The Bollington Festival Choir
Assistant to the Director Sheila Hine
Choreography June Janes
Fight Arranger Bob Merry
Stage Manager June Lee
Tony Cockcroft
Production Electrician Martin Theobald
Lighting Robin Watkinson
Sound Trevor Tighe
Properties Sue Wood
Joy Ovey
Fiona Redclift
Wardrobe Val Fentem
Adele Taylor