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The Messiah


Patrick Barlow

2nd to 7th December 2024

The funniest and most magical Nativity you will ever see. A travelling troupe of two actors and an opera singer arrive by donkey to masterfully, movingly and miraculously enact the greatest story ever told. The troupe play a cast of thousands in a comedy that conjures up the sublime, the ridiculous and the truly angelic.

Rehearsal photographs

MauriceRichard Sails
RonaldSteve Berrington
LeonoraKatja Ebrigens
DirectorJohn Chidgey
Assistant DirectorBelinda Coghlan
Stage ManagerJohn Coghlan
PromptBelinda Coghlan
Props and ASMDiana Boswell
Special EffectsJacque Bilsborough
LightingBruce Williams
SoundMark Seyler, Dave Midgley
WardrobeDi James, Pat Barrow
PhotographyColin Beattie
Ticket SecretaryRichard Barraclough